
2021 Quills: The Grant Hattam Quill for Investigative Journalism, sponsored by HWT

Nick McKenzie and Joel Tozer of The Age have won the 2021 Grant Hattam Quill for Investigative Journalism.

Judges' citation

This was a brave and highly impactful reporting that exposed in confronting detail the deep roots of neo-Nazi groups in Australia. The investigation was sustained over eight months, exposing the reporter and undercover informant to serious personal risk. It revealed the existence of a sinister and extensive neo-Nazi network and led the head of ASIO to acknowledge far-right groups as a real terrorist threat. A clear winner.

The winning entry

'Inside Racism HQ: How home-grown neo-Nazis are plotting a white revolution', The Age, 16 August 2021

'From kickboxing to Adolf Hitler: the neo-Nazi plan to recruit angry young men', The Age, 21 August 2021

Highly commended

Ben Butler, Elise Worthington, Neil Chenoweth, Mario Christodoulou, and Liam Walsh, Guardian Australia, ABC, and Australian Financial Review, 'Pandora Papers'

Other finalists

Sarah Curnow and Josie Taylor; ABC News, 'Data breach'
Adele Ferguson, Lauren Day and Klaus Toft, The Age, 'Cosmetic Surgery Underbelly'


Please note: the above link/s may not comprise the entirety of an entry submitted for consideration.

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